Pick N Pay
Kids StuffSee all
Tanpopo хүүхэд , жирэмсэн болон амаржсан эхчүүдийн хэрэгцээнд нийцэх эрүүл мэнд, сувилахуйн баталгаат чанартай SMART ANGEL, KIMURATAN, NISHIMATSUYA, NAKANISHI, NISHIKI, EDISONmama, MARUKA зэрэг 13 брэндийн бүтээгдэхүүнүүдийг Pick n Pay үйлчилгээг ашиглан ямар ч хүү шимтгэлгүй, хуваан төлөх нөхцөлөөр худалдан аваарай.
Улсын Их Дэлгүүр, 5 давхарт
Shangri-La, 3 давхарт
Утас: 94002585
Bolorhon Kid's Store
Харилцагч та Bolorhon Kid's Store дэлгүүрээс хүүхдийнхээ бараа бүтээгдэхүүнийг Pick n Pay үйлчилгээгээр ямар ч хүү шимтгэлгүй, хуваан төлөх нөхцөлөөр худалдан аваарай.
Утас 99628060, 99806364
OthersSee all
Onis Room
ТА ОНЬСЫГ ТАЙЛЖ ЧАДАХ УУ? Оньсыг тайлах онцгой ертөнцөөр аялж оюун ухаан, авхаалж самбаагаа сорихыг хүсвэл Onis Room-р зочлоорой.
Утас 77272727
Харилцагч та AirMarket.mn Travel Agency -ээр нислэгийн тийзээ Pick n Pay үйлчилгээгээр ямар ч хүү шимтгэлгүй, хуваан төлөх нөхцөлөөр худалдан аваарай.
Утас 7010 5050
Pick n Pay
The users offer you the following opportunities.
Pick n Pay is a comprehensive payment solution that connects customers and organizations. Customers can use Pick n Pay to pay in full, in installments, or pay with ArdCoin when purchasing from stores, shopping centers, and online stores.
Pay in full
You can pay in full with QPay on Ard App and all banking apps. ArdCoin reward for every transaction made through Ard App. You can also pay using Ardcoin.
Pay in installments
It is possible to pay in 3-5 installments for up to 60 days at intervals of 15 days without paying any additional fees other than the basic price of products and services.
- 1% ArdCoin bonus on every purchase.
- Purchase rights will increase with each successful payment.
Reward with Ardcoin
Ability to reward your contacts with any amount of Ardcoin.
The organization offers you the following opportunities.
- Receive sales revenue immediately
- Receive payments in Tugrug and ArdCoin, convert ArdCoin payments to MNT
- Use the web version to set permissions at each level, such as tracking sales, checking account statements, checking balances, entering and approving transactions
- Get bonus points and reward your customers with ArdCoin at the desired percentage of the amount
Interest rate:0
Annual rate:0
Term:60 days
- Over 18 years of age
- Have salary or business income
- No delinquent or bad history in the credit database
- May have a local address
- It operates in the field of trade and services
- Have your own store, counter and website
- Business operations for no less than 3 months